Heaven and hell aren't places to visit when you die

They are right here, right now!
It’s time to open your heart to this deeper truth and discover that it is entirely your choice as to which one you reside in.

Heaven and hell aren't places to visit when you die

They are right here, right now!
It’s time to open your heart to this deeper truth and discover that it is entirely your choice as to which one you reside in.

My name is Tamala Ridge

...and I am so excited we have found each other.

There is no accident that you have landed on my page and I invite you to feel into that...

If you are:

  • desiring an activation, a rite of passage to step out of the shadows of your fear and doubt into the sovereignty of your divine being
  • a cleansing of your physical and mental body in order to increase the potency of your medicine
  • training and mentorship to challenge, up-level and alchemise your leadership or healing modality into a potent elixir that when activated will literally flow through you as divine and holy work

....then my medicine is designed to activate yours. 

If you identify as a leader, coach or professional space holder - I am here to support you to release yourself from addiction to stress, procrastination, substances, self-doubt and unworthiness of your divine success.

Once the cleansing and detoxification processes of fear and limiting beliefs have begun, I will then mentor your incredible soul in the sacred art of Spiritual Companioning. 

Here begins your rite of passage and initiation into the heavenly and powerful art of space holding medicine 

......something that ALL Mothers, Healers and Leaders require as the secret ingredient to activate awakening on the planet.

Freed from the shackles of your ego, you will stand out in the ever rising sea of healers and coaches as a leader and expert in your field, bursting with confidence and clarity in your, now, incredibly potent medicine.  

I do this work through the process of spiritual empowerment, guiding you powerfully to connect in with your own divine wisdom and supporting you to do this for others.

opposite of addiction

The breakthroughs my clients have experienced over the years have been breathtaking. From once struggling in life and business, to thriving in a heart felt knowing that they are no longer alone in this world. Once they clear all that is standing in the way of their connection to Source; Heaven really does appear right here and now in the form of;

loving relationships, abundance, success, health, joy, and freedom 

All they needed was the guidance to clear their limitations and hear their own truth.


I’d love to support you on this same journey

My role is not to create a system where you are dependent on me. I am her to help you step out of the spiritual closet on your own two feet. Because I know, from having supported so many others walking this path before you, that this is the key to creating more magical and powerful results for yourself, and for those you serve.

Tamala bio pic 2-min

I'm a compassionate rebel, I'm not afraid to speak up, to use my voice to create change, to fight for you with love

Once you begin this journey with me, your ego will try to pull you back, kick and scream for you to give up and run away. But please know that I have got you, I will always hold the mirror up for you to see the truth and I will always hold out my hand if you fall. 

I speak from a place of authenticity. My own journey was mired with addictions, until a heaven-sent opportunity led to a 15 year career as a drug and alcohol counsellor. This was my road to recovery and my salvation. Being valued and honoured for my skills, experience, compassion and courage were my saving grace.

I'd love to offer this same opportunity for you.

I will see you, witness your pain and remind you of your soul's calling. I will guide you to discover your courage and teach you how to activate your fee will to keep showing up and eventually accepting and owning your role as the medicine woman of your tribe.

I’ve created a successful and thriving business because I continue to walk my talk and do what I preach. I take multiple doses of my own medicine every single day. I put myself on the top of my to-do-list and my devotional practices are non-negotiable.

I do this with fierce commitment and unwavering devotion to Divine Spirit. 

I am also human and sometimes I fall, but the journey of recovery and ascension is sped up because I get up quicker and I choose not to wallow in the sludge my ego throws at me.

I find that the nature of my falls get less severe each time and the space between my trips gets longer and longer.

This is known as the Spiral of Ascension and it is a GAME CHANGER for your spiritual evolution. This is the foundation of all that I practice and teach

I would love to invite you to my party, the invitation is always open, it is up to you when you are ready to accept.

Are you ready to take a giant leap in your spiritual journey?

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I acknowledge the Bibbulman and Minang people as the traditional indigenous custodians of the land on which I live in beautiful Denmark and surrounds.
I pay respect to their elders; past, present and emerging.
I honour their deep connection and respect for our mother earth and I humbly strive to learn from my local elders. I acknowledge my ignorance and cultural disconnection always in the hope of re-kindling my relationship to our giver of life, land and medicine.

A percentage of all profits goes to support The Hunger Project https://thp.org.au/ To end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centered strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world

Website by Rachelle Deem